I started my photography journey when I was 15 years of age. To begin with, many people in my school judged me and even said it won’t surmount to anything. But... as per, Shelly never quits! Fast word 8/9 years and here’s my photography glow up, from 2012 - 2019 of all my favourite photos.
I think it's so easy as a creative / photographer to forget how far you've come; how much you grown and how much your work has improved. It's so easy to suffocate yourself with self-doubt or to compare your journey to others. Which is why I enjoyed making this video SO much, it reminded me of all the wonderful people who have supported my journey since the beginning, all the amazing people I've met and worked with since, how much I have developed as a person & a practitioner and all the incredible memories a long the way.
I think it's so easy as a creative / photographer to forget how far you've come; how much you grown and how much your work has improved. It's so easy to suffocate yourself with self-doubt or to compare your journey to others. Which is why I enjoyed making this video SO much, it reminded me of all the wonderful people who have supported my journey since the beginning, all the amazing people I've met and worked with since, how much I have developed as a person & a practitioner and all the incredible memories a long the way.
I seem to forget that I have achieve so much already, to list but a few: I assisted in great studios such as All Saints Clothing and Big Sky Studios, I have assisted an amazing photographer: Neil Mackenzie Matthews, I have been published in many magazines now, I have worked with NewLook Fashion, done work for Graduate Fashion Week, I have photographed LFW, I have met and was photographed by Rankin, I completed my undergraduate degree and I am currently finishing my photography masters degree, the list goes on. Photography has created such a fun and fulfilling life for me and is shaping such an exciting future ahead of me, too.
Moral of the story, never give up on something that fuels your blood with passion and gives you determination to have the most fulfilling life. I am super proud of my journey and the work I’ve produced over the years. So, PLEASE, when you're sitting in doubt questioning whats yet come, look back at how far you've already come and be kinder to yourself.
I can’t thank everyone enough, those who have worked with me or those who have supported me along the way. SO grateful! Anyhow... watch along and ENJOY